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Housing Affordability

Stable, affordable housing is increasingly out of reach for too many. We’re working give hardworking families their shot at the American dream.

In a 2021 survey, 70 percent of Americans say that young adults today have a harder time buying a home than their parents’ generation did. It’s no wonder why: in 2023, just 15.5 percent of homes on the market were affordable for a typical U.S. household. In Ohio, nearly 400,000 people spend more than half of their monthly income on housing.

The ability to comfortably afford a home allows us to lay down the roots that can grow a family, career, and a community. That’s why it’s a top priority to increase Americans’ access to affordable housing.

We were proud to introduce the Workforce Housing Tax Credit Act, which will establish the first-ever middle-income housing tax credit, which is expected to finance 344,000 affordable rental homes.

Along with our colleagues on the House Ways and Means Committee, we were also strong supporters of the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, which expanded the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit from 9 percent to 12.5 percent. Since 1986, this credit has preserved nearly 13,000 units of affordable housing in the 15th district.

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