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Our Priorities

Learn more about the issues we’re working on in Congress to make life better in Ohio’s Fifteenth District. 

After years of stubborn inflation, American families and small businesses need tax relief to make ends meet today and plan for tomorrow. As a member of the House Ways & Means Committee, I have the privilege of working on tax policy that will impact every household and business in the country.

Stable, affordable housing is increasingly out of reach for too many. We’re working give hardworking families their shot at the American dream. In a 2021 survey, 70 percent of Americans say that young adults today have a harder time buying a home than their parents’ generation did. It’s no wonder why: in 2023, just 15.5 percent of homes on the market were affordable for a typical U.S. household. In Ohio, nearly 400,000 people spend more than half of their monthly income on housing.

Made in America isn’t just a slogan: it’s recipe for a stronger, more prosperous future. The first step? Investing in good-paying jobs here at home, in fields ranging from manufacturing to tech to energy production.

All-of-the-above energy, produced here at home, will bring down consumer prices, end dependence on our adversaries for key resources and safeguard our national security. We’ve been hard at work in Congress to unleash American energy independence. The first step: making it easier to harness our energy resources.

As a dad and grandpa, I know how challenging it can be for families to make ends meet. That’s why we are proud to lead on legislation that allows families to thrive. This means investing in their ability to save, plan for the future, and care for those they love.