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Mike Carey Statement on the Democrat’s Reckless Reconciliation Bill

Nov 19, 2021 | Press Releases

November 19, 2021

Rep. Mike Carey votes ‘No’ on Reconciliation package

WASHINGTON – Congressman Mike Carey (R-Columbus) released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives voted on H.R. 5376:

House Democrats have voted to condemn the American people to higher prices and higher taxes at a time in which they can least afford it. This $4.5 Trillion dollar spending scam will increase taxes by $1.5 Trillion, bring the largest expansion of the welfare state in our lifetime, add 87,000 IRS agents to spy on our bank accounts, impose Green New Deal policies including a natural gas tax that will raise home electric costs by 30 percent, and much more that will devastate our economy. The people of Ohio’s Fifteenth Congressional District elected me to fight back against this radical agenda, and today I did so by casting my vote in opposition to this spending package.


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