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On the Floor: Congressman Carey on Ukraine, Southern Border

February 9, 2022

Congressman Carey calls for immediate sanctions on Russia, discusses need to secure the border

Washington, D.C. – Today Congressman Mike Carey spoke on the House floor about the weakness of the Biden Administration emboldening American adversaries. He discussed the need to support Ukraine against Russian aggression as well as securing our southern border. 

Watch the speech here.

A transcript of the Congressman’s marks can be read below: 

“Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today as our nation faces major foreign and domestic challenges brought on by the weakness of the Biden Administration.

Biden’s border crisis, botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, failure to hold China accountable, greenlighting of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and “minor incursion” remarks, have sent signals of weakness to our global adversaries. That weakness is now being tested as Russian aggression threatens the sovereignty of our strategic partners in Ukraine.

This threat to Ukraine is also a threat to democracy. Ukraine needs our support to defend itself. That means sending a strong signal by supporting more military and security equipment as well as immediate financial, economic, and energy sanctions on the Russians.

We shouldn’t be in this position. It is yet another consequence of this administration’s failures.

At the same time, our national sovereignty has been betrayed by this administration. Illegal immigrants and drugs are flowing across the southern border at a record pace. Worse, illegal immigrants with criminal convictions are being released into our communities.

We must act to secure our borders and support Ukraine. Failure to do so will weaken our national security for years to come.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker and I yield back.”




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