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Reps. Carey, Thompson Lead Bipartisan Effort to Protect Injured Workers

Washington, D.C. – Today, Reps. Mike Carey (R-OH) and Mike Thompson (D-CA) introduced bipartisan legislation to protect injured American workers. The Coordination of Medicare Payments and Workers’ Compensation Act — COMP ACT — aims to protect injured workers whose compensation claims overlap with Medicare coverage.

“Hardworking Ohioans should not have to worry about bureaucratic red tape after enduring an injury in the workplace,” said Congressman Carey. “Our bipartisan, common-sense bill will help give American workers suffering from a work-related injury the peace of mind needed to focus on their recovery.”

“American workers should not face onerous barriers when they age into Medicare because of a workplace injury,” said Congressman Thompson.  “Our bipartisan bill will make it easier for workers to receive Medicare services while safeguarding taxpayer dollars by ensuring Medicare isn’t on the hook for health care services that should be covered by a workers’ compensation plan.”

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) often require lengthy reviews to determine the correct amounts to set aside for future medical costs. This can result in injured workers seeing a delay in the benefits they are eligible to receive.

The COMP Act will create certainty for workers by creating new clear and consistent guidelines for processing compensation claims that overlap with Medicare. It further provides an appeals process for both employers and workers to challenge CMS determinations.

Given its benefit for injured workers, employers, and insurers, the COMP Act has been endorsed by a variety of diverse groups.

“The Ohio Chamber commends Representatives Mike Carey and Mike Thompson for introducing the COMP Act,” said Ohio Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Steve Stivers. “This legislation will lower workers’ compensation costs and improve Ohio’s business climate by giving employers greater certainty when settling workers’ compensation claims for employees who are Medicare-eligible. The COMP Act will also prove beneficial because it will clarify that Ohio law determines workers’ compensation settlements with the procedures and financial considerations that employers must take into account when settling workers’ compensation claims.”

“The COMP Act will enable injured workers to reach a fair resolution of their claims while protecting the legitimate financial interest of Medicare,” said Catherine Surbeck, President of the Workers’ Injury Law and Advocacy Group.

A copy of the bill can be found here.

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