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Carey Working to End Social Security Overpayment Clawbacks and Protect Social Security Recipients

COLUMBUS, OHIO – Today, Representative Mike Carey (OH-15) announced his office was working on legislation aimed at ending instances of Social Security overpayment clawbacks and protecting those who receive overpayment from undue burdens. Carey is Vice Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee’s Social Security Subcommittee.

Carey said, “Almost a million Americans every year, including some right here in Ohio’s Fifteenth Congressional District, receive overpayments from the Social Security Administration. These individuals did not ask for these overpayments, and sometimes did not know they were received. Yet, they may be asked years later to return this money.”

“No one should suffer as the result of a payroll error. We’re proud to work on this legislation to protect Social Security recipients and prevent future overpayment problems,” Carey concluded.

The draft bill would prevent the Social Security Commissioner from collecting an overpayment if the payment occurred more than three years before the date of finding and if the overpayment is the result of error on the part of the Commissioner. These provisions would not apply if determined that the payee had committed fraud in respect to the program.

Congressman Carey has long been active on work to address Social Security overpayment. He questioned then-Acting Social Security Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi about the issue in a hearing of the Social Security Subcommittee in October 2023. A month later, Carey was featured in this 60 Minutes segment highlighting the impact of Social Security overpayments on seniors. Carey also led a bipartisan letter with fellow Ohioan Emilia Sykes (OH-13) demanding answers on the improper payments from the Social Security Administration.

A discussion draft of the bill can be found here.

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