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Rep. Carey Response to President Biden’s SOTU

March 1, 2022

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Mike Carey (OH-15) released the following statement in response to President Biden’s State of the Union Address:

“After a year of unprecedented crises, the American people deserved to hear the President acknowledge their hardships and commit to change course, but were instead given a revisionist view of the state of the union.

The President spoke about defending democracy around the world in the face of Russian aggression, but his policies have weakened our ability to do so. The fact that we continue to import Russian oil, helping fund the atrocities in Ukraine, is disgraceful. America should be energy independent and supplying our European allies, but this President is more enamored with the Green New Deal than solving this critical problem.

At home, hard-working men and women are being taxed by 40-year high inflation, but Biden had the audacity to claim economic success while taking no responsibility for the pain his out-of-control spending has caused.

As families struggle to make ends meet, Biden’s soft on crime stance has made their communities less safe. A massive rise in violent crime has swept the nation and record amounts of deadly fentanyl is flowing through our porous border.

By glossing over the problems he created, President Biden has disappointed the American people yet again. Ending these crises requires a return to the America first policies that made this nation strong and that’s what I’ll continue to fight for in Congress.”



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